National Holidays in Nagoya in 2024
- January: New Year’s Day (Jan 1), Coming of Age Day (Jan 8)
- February: National Foundation Day (Feb 11), The Emperor’s Birthday (Feb 23)
- March: Spring Equinox (Mar 20)
- April: Showa Day (Apr 29)
- May: Constitution Memorial Day (May 3), Greenery Day (May 4), Children’s Day (May 5)
- July: Sea Day (Jul 15)
- August: Mountain Day (Aug 11)
- September: Respect for the Aged Day (Sep 16), Autumn Equinox (Sep 22)
- October: Sports Day (Oct 14)
- November: Culture Day (Nov 3), Labour Thanksgiving Day (Nov 23)
- December: No national holidays.
National Holidays in Nagoya
- January – New Year’s Day (元日 Ganjitsu): Marks the start of the year with family gatherings, special meals, and shrine visits.
- January – Coming of Age Day (成人の日 Seijin no Hi): Celebrates those turning 20 with ceremonies and traditional attire.
- February – National Foundation Day (建国記念の日 Kenkoku Kinen no Hi): Commemorates the foundation of Japan and the accession of its first Emperor.
- February – The Emperor’s Birthday (天皇誕生日 Tennō Tanjōbi): Celebrates the current Emperor’s birthday with public greetings.
- March – Vernal Equinox Day (春分の日 Shunbun no Hi): Focuses on nature and living things, with family reunions.
- April – Showa Day (昭和の日 Shōwa no Hi): Reflects on the Showa era, part of Golden Week.
- May – Constitution Memorial Day (憲法記念日 Kenpō Kinenbi): Commemorates Japan’s post-war constitution.
- May – Greenery Day (みどりの日 Midori no Hi): Dedicated to nature and the environment, part of Golden Week.
- May – Children’s Day (こどもの日 Kodomo no Hi): Celebrates children’s personalities and happiness, concluding Golden Week.
- July – Marine Day (海の日 Umi no Hi): Honors the ocean and maritime history with beach visits.
- August – Mountain Day (山の日 Yama no Hi): Encourages appreciation of mountains and outdoor activities.
- September – Respect for the Aged Day (敬老の日 Keirō no Hi): Honors elderly citizens, celebrating their longevity.
- September – Autumnal Equinox Day (秋分の日 Shūbun no Hi): Honors ancestors and the deceased.
- October – Health and Sports Day (体育の日 Taiiku no Hi): Promotes sports and physical and mental health.
- November – Culture Day (文化の日 Bunka no Hi): Celebrates Japanese culture, arts, and academic achievements.
- November – Labour Thanksgiving Day (勤労感謝の日 Kinrō Kansha no Hi): Originates from harvest festivals and now celebrates labor and workers’ contributions.
Alpsdake, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons